The risks of frequent cannabis use on mental health

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According to Health Canada’s twenty twenty-three Canadian Cannabis Survey, eleven per cent of twenty- to twenty-four-year-olds surveyed use cannabis on a daily or near-daily basis.
Many people who use cannabis say they do so recreationally to relax or to cope with poor mental health. However, multiple scientific studies have shown that daily or near-daily cannabis use over time can increase your chances of developing disorders related to anxiety and depression. Additionally, studies show that using cannabis this frequently does not improve mental health over time and actually contributes to poor mental health.
In severe cases, daily or near-daily use can also increase your chance of experiencing psychosis or schizophrenia. This risk is higher among people with a personal or family history of mental health disorders, particularly male teenagers and young adults.
Cutting back or stopping cannabis use can reduce or even eliminate some or all of its effects, and can help improve your long-term mental health and brain function.
Learn more at canada dot c a slash cannabis.
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(NC) According to Health Canada’s 2023 Canadian Cannabis Survey, 11 per cent of 20- to 24-year-olds surveyed use cannabis on a daily or near-daily basis.
Many people who use cannabis say they do so recreationally to relax or to cope with poor mental health. However, multiple scientific studies have shown that daily or near-daily cannabis use over time can increase your chances of developing disorders related to anxiety and depression. Additionally, studies show that using cannabis this frequently does not improve mental health over time and actually contributes to poor mental health.
In severe cases, daily or near-daily use can also increase your chance of experiencing psychosis or schizophrenia. This risk is higher among people with a personal or family history of mental health disorders, particularly male teenagers and young adults.
Cutting back or stopping cannabis use can reduce or even eliminate some or all of its effects, and can help improve your long-term mental health and brain function.
Learn more at canada.ca/cannabis.
Word Count: 163
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