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News Canada Content Solutions

News Canada is a trusted content resource for Canadian newsrooms.

We provide free, ready-to-publish editorial content that helps media outlets fill their pages, websites and broadcasts with high-quality, engaging stories. Our content spans a variety of categories, including health, finance, home, travel, community and more. We offer editors, publishers and broadcasters professionally produced articles, radio scripts, audio clips and multimedia assets at no cost.

With over four decades of experience in media distribution, we ensure that Canadian publishers – big and small – have access to credible, well-crafted stories that resonate with their audiences.   



Looking for fresh editorial content? Need stories for a seasonal supplement? Our ready-to-use articles adhere to Canadian Press guidelines to meet all your needs. Use them in print, online and on social.


Broadcasters come to us for engaging feature news and lifestyle stories of interest to listeners. We offer a variety of easy-to-use formats to fit your airtime schedules. 

Digital Content

Complement existing advertising programs and generate new revenue streams with digital content that increases engagement online. Drive traffic to your newspaper website, blog, social pages or other digital space.



Content Widgets

Nowadays online audiences want a constant stream of fresh content. We can help with a free video content widget that automatically and regularly updates with new lifestyle content. Email us to get started.  



Need help finding the perfect article? Want a free video content widget? Have a question?

Reach out and we'll be happy to help.

(416) 599-9900

Toll-free: 1-888-855-6397



Terms of use

All News Canada content is provided free of charge. Any source/sponsor of the information must also be identified as presented. For articles, credit of usage must be attributed to News Canada with "(NC)" at the beginning of an article or "" or "– News Canada" at the end. Images are only to be used with corresponding editorial copy. Usage of News Canada content constitutes your acceptance of these terms and an agreement between you and News Canada.

Disclaimer: Comments and opinions in News Canada content are those of their respective contributors only. The views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of News Canada Inc., its management or employees. News Canada Inc. is not responsible, and disclaims any and all liability, for the content of comments provided by contributors.