5 tips to build better financial wellbeing

(NC) According to a recent poll, while most Canadians know that better financial habits would improve their overall wellbeing, many say they simply don’t have the time to make good financial habits stick. This may come as no surprise when you see that many studies say it takes 66 days on average to make something a habit.
Looking to create better financial habits? Here are five tips to help get you started.
Start small: Focus on one or two habits at a time and break the changes you need to make into smaller steps so that you can continue to see progress toward your goals.
Plan ahead and set goals: Writing down your goals and how you want to achieve them is an important first step to making new habits stick. It’s important to make your goals measurable.
Be consistent: Integrate good financial habits - like planning, budgeting and saving - into your daily, weekly and monthly routines. The more you do something, the easier it is to make it a new habit.
Keep finances top of mind: Review your accounts and adjust your plan and goals regularly. This will not only ensure that your finances stay front and centre, but it will help you make the right adjustments as your finances or financial situation changes.
Don’t do it alone: Get expert advice and use tools to help you keep your financial habits on track. For example, digital tools like RBC’s NOMI, which provides a suite of capabilities that use artificial intelligence to help Canadians manage their money, can help remove some of the barriers and friction that can come with creating better financial habits.
Remember, while creating good financial habits isn’t impossible, it does take time, consistency and determination. But the payoff is worth it as it can bring better financial and overall wellbeing.
To learn more about how digital tools can help, visit rbc.com/nomi.
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