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April 2020

Tips for getting your home ready for spring

(NC) As we emerge from winter hibernation, it’s time to turn our attention to the seasonal chores that come with the first signs of spring. Here are some tips to help make sure your home is in tip-top shape.

Move winter gear to storage. Ever find yourself stumbling over your snowblower to get your hands on the lawn mower? Now’s the time to organize your garage to make sure spring tools are easily accessible and ready for use. Check that machines are operating well and that tools are rust free, sharpened and ready for when you really need them.

Clear out your gutters and downspouts. Winters can be rough, causing wear and tear to outside fixtures. Check that all gutters, downspouts and soffits are still secure and attached and that there is no snow, ice or leaf build-up that can block drainage and cause flooding or damage to your roof.

Check and replace filters. Spring is the perfect time to change your furnace filter and make sure your A/C unit is ready for the warmer weather. Unwrap your unit and make sure there are no animal nests, debris or tears in the equipment.    

Review your insurance policies. With warmer weather and melting snow comes the risk of water damage.   Take the time to review your home insurance and make your policies cover your current needs. PC insurance will consult up to nine different insurance companies to compare your policy, so you can rest easy knowing you have the best rate. Find more information at 

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