Over 50? Take note of RSV this winter

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Of all the things you can get sick with this winter, respiratory syncytial virus – or R-S-V – should be top of mind. With positivity rates in Canada reaching record highs, it’s especially important for older adults to be aware.
RSV is often thought of as a bug that children pick up in daycare with symptoms similar to a cold or flu. However, adults aged 50 and older are among those at increased risk for serious infection. RSV can worsen conditions like COPD, asthma, and congestive heart failure and can lead to pneumonia, hospitalization and death.
Unlike the flu or COVID, there are no treatments for older adults who become infected with RSV. And sadly, most deaths attributed to the virus occur in this age group, so prevention is key.
In addition to frequent handwashing and regularly cleaning and disinfecting surfaces around you, vaccination is available.
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about RSV vaccination or learn more at RSVandme.ca
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(NC) Of all the things you can get sick with this winter, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) should be top of mind. With positivity rates in Canada reaching record highs, it’s especially important for older adults to be aware.
RSV is often thought of as a bug that children pick up in daycare with symptoms similar to a cold or flu. However, adults aged 50 and older are among those at increased risk for serious infection. RSV can worsen conditions like COPD, asthma, and congestive heart failure and can lead to pneumonia, hospitalization and death.
Unlike the flu or COVID, there are no treatments for older adults who become infected with RSV. And sadly, most deaths attributed to the virus occur in this age group, so prevention is key.
In addition to frequent handwashing and regularly cleaning and disinfecting surfaces around you, vaccination is available.
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about RSV vaccination or learn more at RSVandme.ca
Word Count: 158
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