Is the Canada Pension Plan secure?

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Whether you’re in the earliest stages of your career or almost at the end of it, it’s important to regularly think about how you’ll fund your retirement.
Some people will have workplace pensions, but most Canadians must save for retirement themselves. Registered Retirement Savings Plans are the most popular tool. You may have other investments or home equity that you can use.
There are also government programs like Old Age Security. Starting as early as age sixty, you can also start receiving monthly Canada Pension Plan payments.
C-P-P Investments’ spokesperson, Frank Switzer, shares this.
Spokesperson Quote:
There’s a long-standing myth that the Canada Pension Plan will run out of money. In fact, the fund currently has more than six hundred and seventy-five billion dollars in assets, making it one of the largest pension funds in the world. Independent auditing has projected it to be sustainable for at least the next seventy-five years.
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The sooner you start saving, the better your retirement will be.
Learn more at C-P-P investments dot com.
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(NC) Whether you’re in the earliest stages of your career or almost at the end of it, it’s important to regularly think about how you’ll fund your retirement.
Some people will have workplace pensions, but most Canadians must save for retirement themselves. Registered Retirement Savings Plans are the most popular tool. You may have other investments or home equity that you can use.
There are also government programs like Old Age Security. Starting as early as age 60, you can also start receiving monthly Canada Pension Plan (CPP) payments.
“There’s a long-standing myth that the Canada Pension Plan will run out of money. In fact, the fund currently has more than $675 billion in assets, making it one of the largest pension funds in the world.” Says CPP Investments spokesperson Frank Switzer. “Independent auditing has projected it to be sustainable for at least the next 75 years.”
The sooner you start saving, the better your retirement will be.
Learn more at cppinvestments.com
Word Count: 162
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