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July 2021

How to take care of your home this summer

(NC) Summertime is here, and regardless of whether you prefer to spend it indoors or out, there are simple maintenance tasks you can do to keep your home in tip-top shape.

Clean your air conditioner
Air conditioners provide much-needed relief on sweltering summer days, so it’s important to ensure your AC system is prepared to handle the heat. A good time to clean your air conditioner is before using it for the first time each season, as this will help it function properly.

Be sure to check your furnace filter to see if it needs to be changed. This not only prolongs your air conditioner and furnace system’s lifespan, but it also helps distribute airflow more evenly. Filters help catch airborne dust, mould spores, pollen, dander and other kinds of dirt, improving the indoor air quality.

Control indoor moisture
High moisture levels can damage wood, cause mould and lead to health issues. Invest in a hygrometer, an inexpensive tool that will allow you to keep track of humidity levels. Try to maintain indoor humidity in the 30 to 50 per cent range.

There are little things you can do to keep moisture in check. Inspect the sealing around doors and windows for any air or water leaks and, if you find any, fix them right away.

Use your home’s ventilation systems, including exhaust fans while showering or cooking. Those exhaust fans also need some TLC, so check that they’re in working condition and clean them. When days are dry, open windows to air out interiors.

Keep up with seasonal maintenance
Sheds can provide much-needed storage protection for your seasonal items, but they also need to be checked up on. Be on the lookout for any wear and tear. Also, if you have a garage, check the door tracks for any signs of deterioration and lubricate the bearings so the door opens smoothly.

Other exterior items that should be inspected are the exterior painting or stucco. Are they in need of repairs or touch ups? Are the bricks and mortar in good shape? In what condition are your roof shingles?

Find a month-by-month list of summer home maintenance tips at

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