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October 2020

How to reboot your morning routine this fall

(NC) Getting back into a routine is always a challenge, but this year it’s been harder than ever with many of us working and learning from home. As we jump back into the new normal, here are some tips to get your morning routine right:

  1. Pad your schedule. No one likes to rush, so give yourself a few extra minutes to centre yourself. Use them to read a few pages of a book, meditate or sit outside with a nutritious breakfast to help energize you to tackle your to-do list.
  2. Make green choices. For a mood boost that lasts, opt for eco-friendly products in your morning.  When it comes to your coffee, consider Maxwell House 100 per cent compostable coffee pods. The pods make brewing delicious coffee at home a simple and convenient one-step process, leaving zero waste for the consumer. The pod and pod  bag are both 100% compostable and the outer carton is completely recyclable, so you can feel good about your environmental impact
  3. Fuel your body. Give your body what it needs to run smoothly and happily throughout the day. Nourish yourself with a healthy breakfast and cup of coffee, then leave time for a quick burst of physical activity like a walk around the block, pilates or high intensity interval training.

Check your local grocery stores for the 100 per cent compostable coffee pods.

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