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November 2019

How to avoid doorstep package theft this holiday season

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Reporter Script:

An increasing number of people are turning to the convenience of online stores for their holiday shopping this year. However, one of the downsides is the potential for package theft. A recent FedEx survey reports that more than 1 in 4 Canadians say they’ve had a package stolen from outside of their home, and nearly 70 per cent of Canadians are worried about package theft.

FedEx Express Canada’s Ann-Marie McIntosh explains steps you can take to avoid package theft this holiday season:

Spokesperson Quote:

“If you’re concerned about safe package delivery, there are a few steps you can take this Holiday season. When checking out online, look to see if you have the option to pick up your package at a retail location. If that’s not convenient, try having deliveries go to your workplace instead of your home. Alternatively, you can track your packages or redirect them to another address through your shipping provider’s website or app.”

Reporter Script:

For more tips and tools, visit

Xx Xx reporting.

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Audio preview:

Script preview:

An increasing number of people are turning to the convenience of online stores for their holiday shopping this year. However, one of the downsides is the potential for package theft. A recent FedEx survey reports that more than 1 in 4 Canadians say they’ve had a pa ...

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