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Gas prices too high? What to know about electric cars

(NC) With gas prices continuing to climb, more families are considering making the switch to an electric vehicle (EV).  There are a variety of makes and models to choose from and lots of fueling stations popping up across the country, making these eco-friendly vehicles are now more accessible than ever. 

Here are some things parenting expert Maureen Dennis wants Canadian parents to know about electric vehicles: 

Not just for city folk. If you live in the country and fear a limited driving range, worry not. EVs have come a long way in the past few years. New technology allows them to go much farther – for example, the Hyundai Kona electric leads its class with up to 415 kilometres of range on a full charge. Plus, charging stations are easy to find if you need them.

Speed and performance. EVs have greatly evolved from little city cars designed for short distances - they offer far longer ranges than before as well as incredible speed and pick-up. Many even say it takes some time to get used to how quickly the car responds!

Budget-friendly. Many Canadians assume that all electric cars are expensive and out of their price range. As technology has advanced and interest in EVs continues to grow, there are now a wide range of affordable EV models that are perfect for families. Additionally, government rebates and the money you’ll save on monthly gas bills can also take a significant chunk out of your overall costs.

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