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Easy ways to honour Earth Day in April and all year

By Allan Britnell, Editor-in-Chief, News Canada

(NC) Every April 22nd Canadians across the country take action for the environment, whether it’s school children participating in a community clean up or families committing to new green goals, like washing their clothes in cold water and hanging them to dry. Here are six ways you can do something to fight climate change – on Earth Day and all year.

Learn how your food can be grown sustainably
There are many farmers working to ensure the quality and sustainability of our food supply for generations to come. For example, they protect the soil’s health by taking steps like planting cover crops, reducing tilling and rotating which fields animals graze in. We eat food every day, but many of us know little about how it can be sustainably produced. As spring produce ripens, this is a good time to learn a little more about what your local producers are doing for the environment.

Watch your waste and save money
Food waste is a real contributor to climate change. Reducing the food you toss can help cut back on methane released by foods decomposing in landfills, make the most of the resources used to grow your food and even save you money. There are lots of simple ways to do this, from buying only what you need to storing food effectively, getting creative with leftovers and composting. Agriculture and Agri-food Canada has some more tips and tricks you can try.

Green your wheels
Many of us must rely on a car or truck day-to-day. If that’s you, consider learning about electric vehicles (EVs). EVs significantly reduce emissions, and they can save you money on gas and tune-ups. Plus, there are government incentives to help with the cost of purchasing or leasing. One of these incentive programs is specifically tailored for businesses and organizations investing in electric medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles, which can help the planet.

Spring clean sustainably
This is a time of year many of us set out to refresh our homes. And, according to a recent survey by Maple Leaf Foods, 95 per cent of Canadians care about protecting the environment. So, think about how you can make your cleaning process more sustainable. You could reorganize your fridge to help food last longer, or shop your own closet for fresh looks instead of re-stocking with fast fashion.

Grow your own garden
Earth Day can be a good inspiration to get back in touch with the natural world. Try a do-it-yourself project that keeps on giving such as a simple planter box for your yard or balcony. Then you can grow your own herbs, produce or flowers for your family to enjoy. Your local hardware store like Home Depot may even have step-by-step how-to guides online. You can also ask in-store experts for help and advice.

Choose local
Buying things produced close to home is another way to help the environment. Shopping locally reduces the carbon emissions compared to transporting items long distances. When it comes to food, Ontario is one of the top places for greenhouse vegetable growing, according to the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association, meaning you can munch on locally grown veggies like cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers all year long, without the added environmental costs.

Attention editors: The Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association content is for distribution in Ontario only.


Media Attachments
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Earth Day 2024 - main image View
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Earth Day 2024 - alternate image View
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Earth Day 2024 - alternate image View
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada View
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada View
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Transport Canada View
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Maple Leaf Foods View
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Home Depot View
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association View
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