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An easy and delicious way to give support

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Reporter Script:

The COVID- 19 pandemic has been hard on all of us, and that includes the restaurant industry. Across Canada nearly 1 point 5 million food service jobs are at risk, and nearly ten percent of restaurants have closed permanently, with more at risk of never re-opening.

While returning patios bring some hope, the role of takeout can’t be understated. Many restaurants remain open for takeout and delivery. One way Canadians can support local establishments is by ordering food this way.

Supported by Canadian Dairy, poultry, and Egg farmers, who play a vital role alongside restaurants in keeping all of us fed with high quality home-grown products, the Canada Takeout campaign has helped some restaurants across the country increase sales by 15 to 60 percent.

To support the cause, order takeout from a local restaurant and use the hashtag TakeoutDay on social media, and leave reviews online. Every little bit helps support Canadian restaurants.

Find out more at Canada Take out dot com.

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Script preview:

The COVID- 19 pandemic has been hard on all of us, and that includes the restaurant industry. Across Canada nearly 1 point 5 million food service jobs are at risk, and nearly ten percent of restaurants have closed permanently, with more at risk of never...


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