Your serious illness checklist for the pandemic

(NC) The current climate is a time of stress and uncertainty for many of us. But one thing we can to alleviate stress for ourselves and our families is to plan ahead in case we get a serious illness, like COVID-19. Below is a checklist of the top things to think about and what to do to prepare:
- Live like you were dying. If you were to die today, think about what you would want said about you at your funeral and let that thought or image of yourself govern your behaviour for your remaining days.
- Say what needs to be said, and make sure your relationships are in order. At times like these, relationships are the most important things to manage.
- Think about the financial implications of your death or long-term disability and be sure you have adequate insurance.
- Decide how you want medical decisions handled. Share your medical preferences with your family, as the time could come when you may be too sick to participate in decision-making. An online tool called Plan Well guide can help you to get started and to have these conversations.
- Collect all your important papers, make sure they are up-to-date and have them in one place. This will make it easier for someone to come along in your absence and find your will and access your bank accounts and other important documents.
- Consider planning your funeral down to the details of what you want said and how you want your remains disposed of – those left behind will be grateful for the steps taken.
Taking some of these simple steps to prepare will give you and your family peace of mind. More information is available at planwellguide.com.
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