What does your cough mean?

(NC) If you or your family are currently battling a cough or sore throat, you’re not alone. With winter in full swing, it seems everyone is feeling sick. But understanding what illness you’re facing can help you take the proper steps to feel better.
Here are a few of the most common respiratory conditions going around, what signs and symptoms come with each of them, and some tips to help you recover.
The common cold is caused by rhinovirus and has milder symptoms, like a runny nose, sneezing or slight cough. Almost everyone experiences illnesses differently, but most people can function normally. Staying hydrated and resting are key for fighting off the common cold. While there’s no cure, over-the-counter medications can help manage symptoms.
The flu, which often strikes suddenly, is caused by the influenza virus and has a seasonal cycle. It’s seen worldwide and leads to high fevers, coughing, body aches, fatigue and loss of appetite. Self-care for the flu is similar to the common cold, and you’ll want to wait until at least 24 hours after your fever subsides before going out to avoid getting others sick.
COVID-19 can come with symptoms like fevers, cough, runny nose, body aches and loss of taste and smell. It’s more serious because of the higher mortality rate. If you think you have COVID-19, the best thing to do is isolate and consult a doctor.
You may have heard of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in the news, especially targeting young children and older adults. RSV can affect the respiratory system, including the nose, throat and lungs. In most people, the virus will present like a cold, but in some it can be dangerous because it can cause severe infections like pneumonia or bronchiolitis. At home, saline nasal drops and creating a moist environment with a humidifier can help with symptoms, but seeing a doctor is important for more severe cases.
When to consult a healthcare provider
Talk to a healthcare provider if you or your child’s symptoms fail to improve after a week, or if you have any concerns about your current symptoms. If the thought of waiting in a crowded clinic sounds unappealing, try a virtual-care appointment from a service like Maple, which connects you with a Canadian-licensed doctor or nurse practitioner from the comfort of your home in minutes, any time of day or night. Learn more about virtual healthcare at getmaple.ca.
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