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How to find the right oral health provider for you

(NC) When we think of oral health-care, we tend to think of dentists. However, the oral health field includes several other trained professionals. The new Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) helps reduce the cost of dental care from a wide range of oral health providers, including dentists, dental hygienists, denturists and dental specialists. Here’s how each of these oral health providers can be part of your oral health-care team.

Dental hygienists
If you regularly go to dental clinics, you probably know that the dental hygienists on staff do much of the preventive work. They perform oral cancer screenings, assess your head, neck and jaw, clean your teeth, take your X-rays and may apply fluoride to prevent tooth decay, among other services. But you don’t need to necessarily visit a dentist clinic or receive a referral to see a dental hygienist.

Independent dental hygienists can work from their own or a shared office space, or work in places like schools and long-term care facilities. Some are even mobile, visiting clients in their homes or, in some cases, even in remote parts of the country.

Denturists are oral health providers who specialize in dentures. You do not need a referral from a dentist to see a denturist. They work with patients who are missing some or all of their teeth and can design, fabricate and repair removable dentures.

Dental specialists
Dental specialists cover several different areas of specialization and can also provide oral health-care under the CDCP. These can include pediatric dentists specializing in children, and oral and maxillofacial surgeons treating facial injuries, deformities, and tumours or infections in your mouth. If you need to see any of these specialists, your oral health professional can provide a referral.

The Canadian Dental Care Plan
Oral health is an essential part of our overall health. Yet, according to Statistics Canada, one in four Canadians avoid visiting an oral health professional due to the cost. Are you among them? If so, you should be aware of a new plan that may be available to help lower the cost of your oral health-care services.

If you’re a Canadian resident who does not have access to dental insurance and you have a family income under $90,000, you might be eligible. This federal government plan helps reduce the cost of a wide range of oral health services, such as examinations, teeth cleaning, X-rays, fillings, dentures, root canals and oral surgeries. These services can be provided by dentists, denturists, dental hygienists and dental specialists.

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