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July 2024


How newcomers can find meaningful careers in Canada

(NC) If you’ve recently moved to Canada and are frustrated by a tough job market, you’re not alone. Many newcomers struggle to find similar positions to those they held back home and take on survival gigs to support their families. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to get closer to your dream job. Here are some tips to get started:

Research your field in the local economy
Learning more about your industry in Canada can help you understand the unique challenges and opportunities here, and better position yourself in cover letters and interviews. Plus, it can mean knowing which jobs and skills are most in demand and what competitive salary ranges are.

To get this key info, check out professional association websites, newspaper articles and industry publications. Even expensive insider conferences will post trends and event summaries on their websites.

Update your resume for the Canadian market
Did you know that in most fields, a resume should be a maximum of two pages? This is shorter than the norm in many other countries, so it’s important to keep it brief and focus on your main achievements. Hiring managers like to see how past experiences directly relate to the job you’re applying for, specific examples rather than generic skills and numbers to quantify your success.

Use informational interviews to network
Informational interviews are popular in Canada, and a great way to get an insider’s perspective from a leader in your field. During an info interview, you’ll be able to have a friendly conversation with them over coffee or virtually and ask questions about their career path, education and more.

Not sure where to find an industry leader to talk to? Contact the CEO or other executives of companies you’re interested in – you’ll be surprised how many are happy to speak with you. Just make sure to keep it casual; this is a long-term networking play, not the time to ask for a job.

Look for a bridging program in your industry
Organizations dedicated to helping newcomers succeed are a great resource that can help you overcome barriers and get your foot in the door. If you’re in the tech sector, check out ComIT, which provides free technology training and help with job skills like resume building and interviewing. The charity was started by an immigrant from Argentina and connects program participants with employers looking for IT professionals.

Learn more at

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