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Get ready for winter without breaking the bank

(NC) Doing a little work during the fall can help you save time, money and headaches down the line by preparing for winter. Here are some tips to get started:

Tasks around the house. Some maintenance items you may not be able to do on your own, but you can save money by doing the easier tasks yourself. Simple chores include checking windows and doors for drafts and cracks, clearing the gutters from leaves and debris, installing weather-stripping and replacing furnace filters. You can also get a programmable thermostat to save on your energy bills.  

Car maintenance DIY. Checking the tire pressure, windshield washer fluid levels, wiper blade condition, tire wear and coolant levels can all be easily accomplished by a light do-it-yourselfer. Choose Prestone antifreeze as it works better than any other brand in stopping corrosion, which can lead to overheating and breakdowns. It can be used for any make or model of car or light vehicle truck, eliminating the need to buy different fluids for each car in your household.

Ward off colds and flus. A strong immune system can help you avoid typical winter illnesses. Keep your immune system strong by staying fit with regular exercise and eating healthy. To save money at the grocery store, purchase frozen or in-season produce, choose budget-friendly protein like beans and lentils, and don’t be afraid to price compare and price match.

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