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5 groups most at risk of health effects from air pollution

(NC) Whether you are at home or spending time outdoors enjoying activities this fall and winter, you will be exposed to air pollution.

Outdoor air pollution comes from many sources, such as transportation and industrial activity. Indoor air pollution can come from fuel-burning activities, including cooking. Even at low levels, both indoor and outdoor air pollution can lead to negative health effects, increased hospitalizations and even premature death.

While everyone can be impacted by the negative health effects of indoor and outdoor air pollution, several groups are at greater risk such as:

  1. Children
  2. Seniors
  3. Pregnant people
  4. People who work or participate in strenuous activities outdoors
  5. People with existing health conditions, such as asthma, chronic pulmonary obstructive disease or bronchitis, as well as other heart and lung conditions

The best way to protect your health from the effects of air pollution is to check your local air quality conditions using the Air Quality Health Index (also commonly known as the AQHI), InfoSmog (in Quebec), special air quality statements or air quality advisories to determine if it is safe to participate in outdoor activities. At home, consider using a certified portable air cleaner, and reduce air contaminants caused by indoor sources such as smoke, candles, cleaning products and incense.

If you or your loved ones have a heart or lung condition, talk to your health-care provider about ways to prepare and protect your health when air pollution levels are high. Learn about the best ways to protect your health from air pollution at visit

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