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3 tips to keep your home-based business safe and secure

(NC) Your home is your sanctuary. But if you run a home-based business, it could also be your office, showroom, storage locker and more. Therefore, it is doubly important to protect it and its contents. Here are three ways to protect your home and business.

Protect your vehicle

Whether you need it for deliveries, to source supplies or to get to client meetings, your vehicle could be essential for you to run your business. To reduce the risk of theft, park it in a locked garage if possible. If not, steering wheel locks can act as a deterrent. And always double-check that you’ve locked the doors when you leave the vehicle.

An after-market anti-theft tracking device can help police quickly recover your vehicle if it gets stolen. It also helps if the keys to your vehicle are kept away from the main entrance to your home.

Spring clean the exterior

No one wants to deal with flooding in their home. But a flood can be especially problematic if you have a basement home office or supply room in your house. Make sure your eavestroughs are cleaned each spring and fall. Also, check that the downspouts extend at least four feet from the foundation, and the yard should be graded to slope away from the building. If you have any window wells, keep them clear of leaves and other debris as well.

Get proper business insurance

If your business is based out of your home, know that while some home insurance policies may cover certain activities for your business, a standard home insurance policy may not be enough for a home-based business.

There are a variety of policies and add-ons available for small businesses. Business interruption insurance, for example, covers expenses or loss of income during a temporary closure of the business due to something covered by the insurance policy.

A provider, like TD Insurance, can customize your insurance plan with different coverage options based on your needs. Learn more about coverage options at

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