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November 2019

Made-in-Canada movement spreading

(NC) More and more of us are seeking products that are made in Canada and our patriotic shopping preferences are beginning to extend well beyond food, clothing and household items.

“In the past year, our stores have seen a significant rise in the number of pet parents looking for made-in-Canada pet food,” says Julie Johnston, chief merchandising officer at Pet Valu. “This demand stems from a desire for nutritious pet food that is made from top quality, fresh ingredients. They’re also looking for products that have a smaller carbon footprint and helps support jobs and agriculture in our country.”

Dr. Dave Summers, a pet nutritionist, says made-in-Canada pet food can be a wise choice, as national pet food manufacturers produce some of the best food available to meet the individual needs of cats and dogs and maintain their short- and long-term health.

Although there is a surge in demand for purchasing Canadian products, even the most discerning shoppers can find it difficult to identify products that are made here at home. While an online search can help identify where products are developed, produced and packaged in Canada, it’s often easiest to ask the retailer.

When it comes to pet food, Summers recommends owners visit a specialty pet store and ask staff to recommend appropriate made-in-Canada pet food for their pet.

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