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Live, work and play anywhere in Canada

(NC) Strong internet connectivity is transforming the way individuals live, work and play in Canada.

Reliable connectivity means the ability to work from any corner of the country, whether it’s a bustling city, a rural community or a cozy lakeside cabin. The connection enables professionals to stay productive, collaborate with colleagues and attend virtual meetings without being tied to traditional office settings often found in city centres.

The benefits of strong connectivity extend far beyond our ability to stream live events and stay connected with friends; it also opens up pathways to everything from education to health care. Students can access online learning resources, participate in virtual classrooms and collaborate with peers from across the country. Health-care providers can offer telemedicine services, reach patients in remote areas and enhance the delivery of medical care through digital platforms.

Reliable connectivity in Canada is not just a convenience but a catalyst for innovation, collaboration, inclusivity and economic growth. This ability to be connected anywhere in Canada is not just good for its residents, but also the economy. According to PWC, by 2035, the improved connectivity, including 5G, could potentially add $112 billion to Canada’s GDP. These large investments into network superiority empower individuals to live, work and play anywhere in the country, fostering a dynamic and interconnected society where opportunities abound and creativity thrives in the digital age. Learn more about how telecom companies are investing in your future by visiting

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