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December 2023


How to get your home ready for winter

(NC) As the seasons shift, it’s the perfect time to prepare your home for the chilly temperatures ahead. Taking steps to winterize your home now can make a big difference in your comfort and energy bills. Here are some practical tips.

Draft proofing
Looking for air leaks and drafts is an important first step when it comes to keeping your home cozy and energy efficient. Cold air can seep into your home through gaps around windows, doors and - believe it or not - even electrical outlets. After a thorough inspection, use weatherstripping or caulking to seal any openings. You’ll keep warm air in and cold air out, which can save you energy and money.

Insulation upgrades
Think about adding insulation in key areas of your home. Attics, walls and floors are common places where heat can escape. New or additional insulation can help retain heat and keep indoor temperatures consistent. It’s a smart investment that can pay off with lower energy bills and greater comfort.

HVAC inspection
You probably haven’t used it for a few months, so don’t forget about your heating system. Schedule a professional maintenance check to make sure it’s running at its best. Clean or replace filters, check for any problems and make necessary repairs before winter weather strikes. A well-maintained heating system will not only keep you warm, but also save energy by running more efficiently.

Winter essentials
Now is also a good time to stock your home with winter supplies. Make sure you have extra blankets and warm clothing on hand. Plus, emergency supplies like flashlights, batteries, water and non-perishable food. You’ll be better prepared for unexpected weather and can have extra peace of mind for the upcoming season.

Remember, preparation is key and the sooner you start, the longer you can save energy. For recommendations on which upgrades to tackle first, and to see what rebates you can qualify for, you can sign up for a home energy assessment. Find out more at


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