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Did you know? Beverage Containers are made to be remade

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Reporter Script:

Every year, as the weather warms up, we increasingly turn to cold drinks in P-E-T or aluminum beverage containers for refreshment.

P-E-T – a 100 per cent recyclable plastic – and aluminum beverage containers are lightweight, durable and designed to be recycled.

When recycled, P-E-T and aluminum are remade into new products and packaging, reducing the need for raw materials, saving energy, and supporting jobs and growth in the circular economy.

Canada’s beverage container recycling programs, including both deposit-return and blue-box systems, collect and recycle billions of beverage containers annually.

Together, Canada’s beverage container recycling programs are achieving an average recovery rate of seventy-five per cent.

But there is still not enough recovered P-E-T to keep up with market demand.

That is why the Canadian Beverage Association is working with recycling affiliates to make recycling more convenient, easy to understand and harmonized across the country to get every bottle back.

Learn more about beverage container recycling at made to be remade dot c a.

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(NC) Every year, as the weather warms up, we increasingly turn to cold drinks in P-E-T or aluminum beverage containers for refreshment.

P-E-T – a 100 per cent recyclable plastic – and aluminum beverage containers are lightweight, durable and designed to be recycled.

When recycled, P-E-T and aluminum are remade into new products and packaging, reducing the need for raw materials, saving energy, and supporting jobs and growth in the circular economy.

Canada’s beverage container recycling programs, including both deposit-return and blue-box systems, collect and recycle billions of beverage containers annually.

Together, Canada’s beverage container recycling programs are achieving an average recovery rate of seventy-five per cent.

But there is still not enough recovered P-E-T to keep up with market demand.

That is why the Canadian Beverage Association is working with recycling affiliates to make recycling more convenient, easy to understand and harmonized across the country to get every bottle back.

Learn more about beverage container recycling at
Word Count: 157

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Audio preview - 0:15s (139154_1)
60s segment (139154_2)
Complete Segment with intro - 68s (139154_3)
Intro - News Canada Sounder (139154_4)
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