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3 Father’s Day gift ideas for every dad

By Allan Britnell, Editor-in-Chief, News Canada

(NC) It’s time to celebrate the fathers – and those who play the role of father figure, like grandads, awesome uncles and other inspiring folks – in our lives. Whether yours is the techie type, a sensitive soul or the guy who already has it all, our Father’s Day gift guide has you covered.

For the techie
A drone can be a popular gift for anyone who’s fascinated by the latest technology, loves their toys and tools, or wants to try aerial photography. It’s a rapidly growing hobby. Just know that there are important things Dad must know before flying one. Does it need to be registered? How far away must it stay from bystanders, other aircraft, emergency sites and restricted areas? Transport Canada’s drone safety webpages can answer these questions and get you and your Dad up to speed on the rules.

For the Dad who has everything
This Father’s Day, why not treat your Dad to some quality one-on-one time? Dive into a fun DIY project together or head outdoors for a refreshing hike. And, if you encounter poison ivy or tick bites on your outdoor excursion, a stop at a nearby pharmacy can provide quick and easy relief. In Ontario, pharmacies like Rexall offer diagnosis and treatment for nearly 20 minor illnesses like these.

For the sentimental father
Lots of parents love to see their kids dressed up and looking good. So, maybe indulge them a little by getting all dolled up for your Father’s Day celebrations. To preserve the moment, consider surprising your dad with a family photograph of everyone in their finest. If you don’t have suitable attire, a quick shop at a store like Tip Top can have you owning a style-savvy suit in no time, for less than the price of a one-time suit rental.

Media Attachments
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Father's Day - main image View
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Father's Day - alternate image View
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Father's Day - alternate image View
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Transport Canada - Drones View
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Rexall Pharmacy View
Photo Caption / Image Credit: Tip Top View
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