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September 2020

Top tips for at-home learning

(NC) Although kids are slowly returning to school this fall, learning doesn’t have to be restricted to the classroom. In fact, a survey completed in the spring found that parents were spending two to three hours a day of educational time with their children.

Whether your kids are heading back to classes or staying home for virtual school this semester, check out these helpful tips for integrating independent learning and maintaining the positive habits established through physical distancing:

Create a routine. Make sure you create an after-school routine to ensure your child is finishing their homework and not completely turning off their brain. It’s up to you and your family to find what schedule works best for you, but make sure you’re also dedicating some time for play and fun every night.

Design a dedicated space. One way to help your child focus on work at home is to create a specific area meant only for learning. Kids associate rooms in the home with certain activities, like the kitchen for eating and the bedroom for sleeping. By making an area for work, you help prep your child mentally for focusing on learning.

Use play through learning tools. Who says learning can’t be fun? Using educational computer programs, games and toys can help kids learn through play and expand their minds outside of school time. For example, the Osmo Genius Starter Kit uses tablets to merge tactile exploration with technology, allowing your child to explore STEAM topics in an engaging way.  

Keep them motivated. You can encourage your child by making learning fun and meaningful to them. Help them explore their interests with a little guidance to support their natural curiosity and creativity. For example, if your child shows interest in dinosaurs, share facts and history along with a fun activity like a Jurassic Park movie. 

With these tips, you can help set your kids up for success this school year.

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