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Smart ways to stretch your holiday dollars

(NC) If we’re not careful, the holidays can leave a major dent in our bank accounts. But these realistic, easy-to-follow tips can help you enjoy the festive season while sticking to your budget.

Know when to shop. Buying toys? Experts say early December sales can get you the best bang for your buck. For winter clothes and gear, wait till late December when retailers want to clear their stock. Buy televisions in March, fitness equipment in January and jewellery in the summer. If these items are must-haves, consider gift cards instead.

Hit the unsubscribe button. Retailers have become email marketing experts and will entice you with many sales, discounts and gift with purchase offers to get you into their store or online shop. But it can be easy to spend more money more often on things you don’t need when you get daily deals in your inbox. Avoid temptation by unsubscribing altogether.   

Try combined gifts. Save money while giving those on your lists better gifts than you could afford on your own by joining together with one or two friends or relatives for a combined gift that works out to less than each of you would spend on individual ones.

Take advantage of rewards points. One of the best ways to save is by using points instead of cash for your holiday expenses. Marriott Rewards members can use points to buy gifts at popular retailers like the Bay, Roots and Apple and earn points while shopping. If you’re headed out of town, you can also use your points to book your hotel room. Find more information at

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