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April 2019

Face the facts about your oral health

(NC) Separating fact from fiction, particularly on the internet, can be difficult. That’s why dental hygienists share their wisdom at every dental appointment, helping you to recognize the fake news that prevents you from enjoying a perfect smile.

Here is what you need to know:

  1. Gum disease is not normal. Red or bleeding gums may be a warning sign of gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease. When bacteria accumulate on your teeth and gums, you are at greater risk of infection. Fortunately, gingivitis can be reversed with improved oral hygiene at home, and it can be prevented in the first place by brushing twice daily and cleaning between the teeth.
  2. Even if your teeth look great and don’t hurt, they may not be healthy. Regular dental hygiene care is important for the early detection and prevention of cavities and oral diseases. Often by the time there is pain, advanced disease is present. Early detection by a dental professional can prevent lengthy and costly treatments.
  3. Teeth whitening is safe if done properly. Bleaching your teeth is not dangerous if it is done with careful planning and advice from your oral health professional. To keep your teeth safe, arrange for a full oral exam prior to tooth whitening and ask about the best bleaching options for you.
  4. Your oral health has an impact on your overall health. Research shows that a healthy mouth contributes to a healthy body. Chronic gum disease is associated with cardiovascular and lung diseases and strokes, as well as diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Improvements in oral hygiene care can reduce inflammation and improve overall health.

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